Welcome to reptileguide101.info
Here at reptileguide101.info we have compiled information from internet care sheets, reptile lovers and reptile vets.
We have made it a top priority to make reptileguide101.info your #1 place for information on these fantastic creatures!
Over time we have experienced first hand that a lot of pet owners think Reptiles are like dogs or cat and yes even fish has been used as an example! This is completely WRONG and you should have a PERFECT understanding of what you’re getting into BEFORE you buy a reptile pet!
There is no excuse for ignorance to knowledge when it comes to a living, breathing creature such as the wonderful Bearded Dragon.
Perhaps you don’t yet know what type of reptile or amphibian you would like to have as a pet. We can help you find out. With articles on iguanas, leopard geckos, bearded dragons, frogs, toads and more, there is a bit of something for everyone.
This site is presently under renovation so please excuse the incompleteness in the content. It should be finished very soon.