In addition to the feeding of prey and vegetation, bearded dragon supplements should be regularly included. Providing suppplements will help your dragon get the calcium and vitamins they need. It is very important to make sure your dragons diet is supplemented with calcium and vitamins. In the wild, bearded dragons are exposed to different kinds […]
Tag: dragon
Feeding Prey to Your Bearded Dragon
The majority of prey items normally fed to bearded dragons consist of insects. They are usually not fussy about what insects they’ll eat. There are always exceptions to the rule, though. Insects are fed live to your dragon. There are different live insects to feed your dragon that are usually carried by a local pet […]
Bearded Dragon Feeding
Bearded dragon feeding could be considered one of the most important parts of owning a dragon. Bearded dragons, in the wild, eat a wide variety of foods. They are considered true omnivores, because they’ll eat a variety of prey items such as crickets and also consume vegetation. In captivity, providing a nutritional, varied diet is important. There are a lot […]
Money Saving Tips for Bearded Dragon Owners
These are just some money saving tips that I have come up with. I just thought I’d pass them on to you. Whether you use them or not is entirely up to you. Buying a bearded dragon, enclosure, and cage fixtures might seem like it is going to cost quite a bit. Not to mention […]
Bearded Dragon Housing
Providing a good home for your bearded dragon is essential in raising a happy and healthy pet. As with all aspects of dragon care, following some simple guidelines can increase your chances of being a succesful dragon owner. There are different options that you can use for housing your bearded dragon in. Each option has […]
Do Bearded dragon need Vitamin and Calcium Supplements?
In addition to the feeding of prey and vegetation, bearded dragon supplements should be regularly included. Yes, Bearded Dragen needs Vitamin and calcium Supplements. Providing suppplements will help your dragon get the calcium and vitamins they need. It is very important to make sure your dragons diet is supplemented with calcium and vitamins. In the […]
How Often Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon Crickets?
Crickets are going to be, or should be, the staple food in your dragons diet ( although I hear good things about cockroaches ). They are the most readily available insect. Most pet stores will usually carry them. They also aren’t too bad on price. If you can’t find them locally or if you just want […]
How Many Mealworms Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?
Mealworms are another insect that can be used almost the same as the cricket. There are some exceptions, such as age of the bearded dragon. It is good to only use these every once in awhile to break up the monotony of a mainly cricket diet. These are a great way to break up that monotony. My […]
How Many Wax Worms to Feed a Bearded Dragon?
Waxworms are larval moths that live in beehives. They eat the wax and honey inside of them, giving them their name. Due to their specialized diet they are a little harder to keep as long as other insects. These can be found at some pet stores or can be bought through online insect breeders. How […]
My Bearded Dragon Won’t Eat
There are many bearded dragon owners that look forward to feeding time. They love to see their beardies chase after crickets and devour them voraciously. This is actually one of the best parts of bearded dragon ownership. It’s even fun to watch as your dragon moseys up to their food dish to to nibble on some greens. Even though this is […]
The Bearded Dragon Diet – 5 Top Foods
You need to find out more about the bearded dragon diet right away, and we have what you need to read right here right now. This animal eats a lot of worms, and you will be amazed at how good this animal can get what it wants. Butterworm bearded dragon dietThe butterworm is just a […]
Why Your Bearded Dragon is Not Eating
One of the most worrying things that can happen with a bearded dragon is that it will sometimes stop eating. There are a variety of reasons for this, some simple and some more complex. Temperature If temperature is too low during the day, a dragon will go off his food. It should be around 100 […]